PUSH BLOG PuSh In-Depth with Artist Justine Chambers: an extensive look at this artist’s creative process, multidisciplinary work, and how she sees art in Vancouver.

Described by Chambers as a game of fluid relationships, this version of Idealverein employs a choreographic perspective in the animation of Bourscheid’s sculptures. Chambers considerately notes that the work is Bourscheid’s; however, the joining of expertises and Justine’s unique ability to develop potent choreographic conditions seem vital to this development of the piece.

Between trips to Berlin (where Chambers recently presented one hundred more with Laurie Young), and Toronto (where she is dancing in new work by Ame Henderson), Justine sat down with PuSh for a discussion about her work, her PuSh collaboration, and her perspectives on dance and art. Connecting with a choreographer whose work regularly disregards presentational norms, and dwells across the realms of dance and visual art (not to mention writing and music), seems to touch on something central to the PuSh experience....


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